
Wednesday, 1 December 2021

A Healthy Menu For A Week.

 Hello fellow readers, 

For the last two days, we have been creating a healthy menu plan for a week Monday - Sunday. It is actually healthy for one week. I hope you enjoy my slide thank you for looking at my blog. :).

Monday, 8 November 2021

Business and Enterprise.

 Hello fellow readers,

Today I am talking to you about Business and Enterprise. Business and Enterprise is you create a business and you make it. One specific day once you have made all of the thing that you are trying to create you sell it to all of the different kids and adults that look at your stand.

The name of my business and enterprise group is called Crafty Christmas. The people in my group are Riansha ( The CEO ), Esha ( The Marketing Manager ), Isabella ( The Production Manager ), Aone ( The Finance Manager ) and then we have Chelsea ( The Nothing ). Our plan is to make Christmas Ornaments because it is near Christmas.

We are going to either grab wood or get plastic circles and Paint or Lazer Cut. We are up-to the Finance letter to apply for the 20 dollars. That is my job my next step would have to be to create the practice product. 

Friday, 1 October 2021

Reflection of Drama.

 Hello fellow readers,

Today we are reflecting about what we done in the past term for drama. I have learnt lots of different styles of drama is the past term.

I enjoy horror because its spooky and its fun to watch people get scared. I have seen the babysitter.
I enjoy violence because it gets intense but sometimes you might not be allowed to watch it because of age. I have seen the Avengers Endgame.

I enjoy melo-drama because the fights between the protagonist and antagonist. A melodrama I have watched all of Twilight.

I hope that you enjoyed my blog and please leave a positive, helpful and thoughtful comment.

Friday, 24 September 2021

Annie Crummer

 Hello fellow readers,

Today in wananga we are finishing off all of the work that we started last week and didn't finish. I really hope that you like my information about Annie Crummer. 

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Earth Day

 Last week we started in some work around Earth day. Earth day is a global celebration that goes around the world. We had a whole selection of tasks to do on a slide. There were 12 tasks in different color's there were Lime green, Red, Blue and light purple. I am going to show you the slide with all of the tasks on it. By the way all of the tasks are on slide 2.           Stay tuned...

Baking Soda.

 Hello fellow readers,

Today in science we are talking about Baking Soda.

What is baking soda used for?

1.  Washing machine helper.

2. Carpet cleaner.

3. Remove hair gunk.

4. Oven cleaner.

5. Kitty litter box cleaner.

6. General Cleaner.

7. Cleans floors.

8. Cleaning the sink.

9. Underarm deodorant.

10. Remove scuff on the wall.

Recipe for sherbet:

-  1 tsp of powdered drink crystals ( eg Raro )

- 1/4 tsp of citric acid

- 1/2 tsp icing sugar

- 1/4 tsp -baking soda

Put all ingredients into a zip lock bag, stir, and enjoy.


1. Cup.

2. Spoon.

3. Mixer. 


 Hello fellow readers,

Today in science we are talking and doing acid. 

What is acid? An acid contains Hydrogen atoms that break off to react with a substance. 

An acid ( HA ) is a solution that breaks up into H+ and A-. 

Some acids are sour. you can eat some but then you also can't eat some. there is citric acid that we can eat and then there is hydrogen acid that we can eat. 

Red cabbage Indicator experiment:


1. Red Cabbage.

2. Beaker.

3. Bunsen Burner.

4. Pipette.

5. sodium Hydroxide.

6. Hydronic acid.


Hello fellow readers,

Aim: To look at the pH Scale and neutralize acid and alkaline substances using Universal


Universal indicator.

1 M HCI ( Hydrochloric Acid )

1 M NaOH ( Sodium Hydroxide )

4 test tubes

Test tube rack

1 plastic pipette.

Method: Take a test tube rack with 1 boiling tube at each end of the rack and 4 test tubes.

Half Fill the boiling tube at one end with Sodium Hydroxide.

Half fill the boiling tube at the other end with Hydrochloric acid.

Fill each test tube with 5 drops of Universal indicator.

Using the pipette you will add drops of the acid or alkaline to the test tubes to make the colors Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, and Violet.



Out of the 6 test tubes, you should have the order of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet.

Parihaka Vocabulary.

 Hello fellow readers,

Today we are doing Parihaka Vocab.

Confiscate: It is like you are taking someone's property away from them.

Te Whiti: Te Whiti was one of the leaders of the Māori clan. 

Tohu: Tohu was the other leader of the Māori clan.

Peaceful Protest: Is about a protest that is not harmful ( No Violence ).

Te Raukura Feather: It is a feather that means hope, faith, and spiritual power.

Hope that you enjoyed my blog and please feel free to leave a helpful, thoughtful, and positive comment.\\

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Te wiki o Te Reo Maori.

 Hello fellow readers,

Today in Tuhūra ( Cybersmart ) we are talking about Maori week. Called te wiki o te Reo Maori. We made a poster about how to greet in Maori. We are celebrating Maori language week, by trying to speak Maori. Here is my canvas poster.

Please comment and show Positive, thoughtful, and helpful comments. thank you.

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

MeMe and Me

 Hello fellow readers,

Today I am sharing a story that I read called MeMe and Me. MeMe was an awful girl in the story who was controlling Me's phone. I have some questions that I have to answer on this blog they are about the story don't worry. 

1. Retell the main events in the story, what is really happening? In the story, there is an evil side and a good side. The evil side is in the phone and the good side is not in the phone. Technically, there are really good friends that turn out fake because of the bad side.

2. Explain who MeMe is? MeMe is the bad girl who is trying to get Me and then turns her back on her because Me left her on open, then MeMe got mad.

3.  Do you think something like this could happen in real life? Maybe it depends who you are friends with online. Like Randoms.

4. What is the Authors' purpose for writing this story, what is she trying to tell us? The main purpose that the author is trying to tell us I think is that you don't need a phone because it can turn out to be a really bad thing. Also, pick your friends wisely/ don't add randoms.

I hope that you enjoyed my first blog for September. Have a great day. 😁

Monday, 23 August 2021

Te Whare Tapa Wha.

Hello fellow readers,

Today in Literacy, we have 4 different questions that our teacher would like us to answer on our blog. The questions are related to Te Whare Tapa Wha. All of the questions are from all of the text that we should have watched or read. Here are the questions with the answers.

1.  Had you heard about Te Whare Tapa Wha before? No, I have not heard about Te Whare Tapa Wha ever since we are starting to learn about it now.

2. What are the four dimensions that make us the Whare? Taha Tinana ( physical Health ),Taha Wairu ( Spiritual Health ),  Taha Whanua ( Social Health ) and lastly Taha Hinengaro ( Mental Health ).

3. Why do you think the models look like a wharenui ( House )? Becasue they will all be together.

4. Why do you think we need to take care of our wellbeing? Becasue we need to look after out body to be able to survive and stay with out loved ones.

Thank you guys for having a browse at my blog, I really appreciate it. Please leave a thankful, Positive and helpful comment and have an amazing day.


Friday, 20 August 2021

7x Tables and Fractions.

 Hello fellow readers,

Today I am going to show you something that I made that I call a 7x Tables and Fractions. I made this lovely google drawing. I really like what I have created and I hope you like it two.

I took a screenshot of it and I would like you to see how it looks and comment if it is good, Bad, etc.

There is the screenshot. Please comment positive, thoughtful and helpful.

Thanks guys 


Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Coding and Maths.

 Hello fellow readers,

Today I am going to be blogging about Coding and Math..

For coding we have been working on an app called I will take a screenshot of one of the codes and share it to this blog post. Give me a second.

This is what the coding layout looks like. It gets harder and harder. If you cant already tell by the picture I am  on lesson 4 number 5. I really hope that this has inspired younger and older kids to get into coding. it is a great lesson to learn how to code etc.

Ok so now Math,  for math we are doing algebra. For me right now we are doing fractions at the moment. Fractions are kinda easy. I made a bingo fraction board. Let me show you. Give me a second. 

This is the bingo board.

Thanks for looking at my blog. come back when updated.

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Science - Bacteria.

 Hello fellow readers,

Today in Science we are talking about Bacteria. 


To look at different types of bacteria.

Bacteria is shapes like a rod or spiral, Bacteria is also inside of your cells and makes up 90% of it. Bacteria is good and bad because there is 90% of bacteria in your body right now and if you didn't have it in your body right now then your body wont adapt properly.

What is bacteria?

1. Feeding:

Most bacteria's are consumers, this means they cant make their own food in sunlight, which means they have to feed by using other living things. Bacteria doesn't have a digestive system like other things. Bacteria will wait for things to decompose before they eat it. They start to eat when it is more rotten.

2. Reproduction

Bacteria do not have any gender. One bacteria does not need another bacteria to reproduce. The name for reproduction is Misosis. To make other bacteria they split to reproduce. They can split every 15-20 minutes. The smaller cells are named daughters which means that they will become identical. When they have reached a certain  size they have to split. Bacteria need's to split in order to survive. 

3. Execration

The food they eat is important to help them live, because it gives them energy, and helps them grow and repair damaged parts. There are also waste products of their digestion – just like in you. These wastes must be excreted, or got rid of, so that the bacteria do not poison themselves. They pass out through the bacterium’s cell membrane, and into whatever they are living on or in. Just like in all living things, two of these wastes are water, and carbon dioxide, which the bacteria release. They also produce substances which may be poisonous if they are on or in living things. We call these poisonous substances toxins. Toxins give you the symptoms of diseases caused by bacteria. Bacteria which feed on living things and cause diseases, are called Pathogenic bacteria, and are harmful to you.

4. Breathing 

All living things need oxygen so that their cells can convert food into energy. This process is called respiration. Bacteria are able to carry out both aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration is when there is plenty of oxygen. Anaerobic respiration occurs when the supply of oxygen is very limited or even non-existent. The waste products of aerobic respiration are carbon dioxide which is breathed out, water, and heat. This is why when bacteria start to decompose substances like a dead body, or in a compost heap, or when you have a bacterial infection, the temperature goes up. Bacteria can breathe even if there is no oxygen. When bacteria make things right they produce heat.

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Questions & Answers.

 The year that Maori men could vote is in the 1867s.

The reason why men thought women should not vote is because they thought they should be in the kitchen, keeping the house clean and looking after the kids. Another reason why they thought women should not vote is because they thought women should stay home and do all of the jobs, so that when all of the men came home they can just rest.

The statement drinking their wages means that the men would go out the spend their wages on alcohol.

The W.C.T.U help the poor by visiting hospitals, prisons and also setting up a soup kitchen to help men not spend their wages on alcohol.

The main forms that they used in their protests were giving out newspapers, posters, leaflets, had meetings and also held huge protest gatherings with inspiring speeches. 

The reason why she is on our 10$ note is so we can always remember her and the awesome things that she done for this world.

This is the 10$ note.

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Science - Yeast

 Hello fellow readers,

Today in Science we are playing around with yeast and trying to make it come alive. 

Yeast is alive in a hibernation state. It is a fungi. 

Aim: To look how yeast is used in food.


  • spoons
  • kettle
  • Bowl
  • Beaker
  • cloth sieve
  • Funnel
  • Plastic (PET ) Bottle cap.


  • 50 ml Warm Water.
  • 1/2 tsp active dried yeast.
  • 1/2 tsp sugar.
Ginger beer 9 for 1 litre ) 
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cream of tartar.
  • 1 Litre cold water.
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon.
  • 1 tsp ginger beer bug.
1. In a large bowl, put the sugar and cream of the tartar and then add the warm water.
2. Stir to dissolve the sugar before adding in the cold water.
3. add the ginger bug into the large bowl.
4. Stir well then pour into your clean bottle.
5. Label your bottle with your groups names.
6. Place all the bottles in the class container.
7. Store in a cool dark place for one week before drinking. 
8. Make sure you open the bottle in the kitchen sink as it might overflow. Open the cap bit by bit to allow the air to escape.

  • The ginger beer must be drunk over 6 days.
  • You must provide your own bottle.

We wanted to see how yeast was best activated. To do this we used 3 conical flasks, a teaspoon of yeast in each one, some warm water in each one and some sugar in one flask. Then put a balloon in each flask. We found out that the flask that had the yeast and sugar inflated the balloon. It showed that when yeast has sugar it activates and creates a gas called carbon dioxide gas.

All About me

 Hello fellow readers,

Today in Tūhura we are doing an all about me poster. It has a picture and a little bit of information about me. 

There is a question that I may have to answer on this blog. The question may be Why is it important to use google images with permission only? The answer to that question would have to be because its not right, it is copyright and also it is really bad to copy someone else's work because you can do way more better. 

Here is my Poster. Thank you for looking at my blog.

Thursday, 5 August 2021


 Hello fellow readers,

Today in drama we are talking about the 5 elements FARTS,

F stands for focus.

A stands for Action.

R stands doe Roll.

T stands for Tension.

And S stands for Space/Time.

I am Harley Quinn,

Chilli Tasting

 Hello fellow readers,

Chili is a object that i the hottest thing that you can eat there are particular chill's that are the hottest out of them all. 

Here are the hop 8 hottest chilies.

1. Carolina Reaper. 

2. Trinidad Moruga Scorpion.

3. 7 Pot Douglah.

4. 7 Pot Primo.

5. Trinidad Scorpion Bluth.

6. Naga Viper.

7. Ghost Pepper.

Chilli Tasting Results

Record : Yes or No


After 5 minutes







Coca Cola



Summary and Results.

Milk did take away the taste away immediately but after 5 minutes it was even better.

Cake took away the effect immediately and it done the same thing after 5 minutes.

Water took away the taste immediately but after 5 minutes it done the same thing 

The Summary is the most effective drink to take away the taste would be milk.

Why are Chilies so hot:

It is from a chemical called capsaicin with the chemical.

Aim: To see which is the best way to cool down the hot chilli taste in your mouth when eating chilli.

Hypothesis: I think that by using Milk I will be able to settle down the spiciness.

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Mirror Image .

 Hello fellow readers,

Today in Ngā Tangata we are reading a story called Mirror image and then we have a task to do about the story. The story that i read was called Mirror image and our task was to write a paragraph of the different Story's that I just read. One of them was about one character but then the other one was a different Character. The different names Were Zodwa and the other story with the same name was called Meggie.

What they had in common was that they both know about the springbok tour and they both were wanting to stop the springbok tour because they didn't want the Springbok tour to come. The difference about the story's was that they were about the same thing but doing it in different country's. and one of them they were not in the protest they were just watching it happen on television for there people. Zodwa was different she wanted to make things right was was to busy tied to the television. Meggie was just trying to make things right for Zodwa's people. At the end of Meggie's part was that she was still proud at the ending and not looking down like she didn't accomplish anything she was standing tall and she was looking. All that happened was that when Meggie went to do the protest that ended up having her on TV. That day/night when the protest was happening when Zodwa was watching the rugby but the TV got cut out by the protesting that Meggie was doing so it was all over the TV.

Touchpad Hacks.

 Hello fellow readers,

Today In Tūhura we are learning about Touch-pad hacks. I learnt lots of different things that was on the slides that we were doing. There were 7 different slides with different tasks on most of them. I am about to show you that slide. I hope that you have enjoyed looking at the different things that I have learnt. Also have an amazing day. 

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Blind Taste test.

 Hello fellow readers.

Aim: To taste foods that are sweet, bitter, sour and salty.

In pairs, while Person 1 is tasting, person 2 will be writing down what they think it taste like on there chart.


1. Sample 1-9.

2. Blindfolded glasses.

3. Recording chart.

4. Ice Cream stick taster.


1. Get safety glasses and make a blindfold.

2. Set up your chart and make sure that the person you are working with knows where to record your response.

3. Using an ice-cream stick you will dip into the sample. Once the sample is on the stick you will taste it and tell your partner your response.

4. There will be 2 answers.

5. At least test one you need to hold your nose

Answer 1. Is it sweet, bitter, salty or sour. Record it.

Answer 2.  What do you think it is. Record it.

6. Repeat this for the next samples but you will only need to use your ice-cream stick taster for samples 1-4

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

"Why is being Cybersmart important to our Kura and our learning?"

 Hello fellow readers,

Today in Tūhura we are talking about Cybersmart and how it is so important to our kura and our learning. Cybersmart id important because it is really great to be safe while using your device. It is amazing for your privacy and it is useful. Chromebooks or even every device is really good to have in the world. Because it can help you with most of your work to find out what words mean that you dont know the meaning off. Chromebooks you can use for school for learning because learning is important for a child like me and a child like me would love to have a great job and earn enough money to move out of the house and start my own life. Thanks guys for looking at my blog.

Tuesday, 6 July 2021


 Hello fellow reader's,

Today I am going to be blogging about my persuasive writing that I have done about sweets. We have this Oreo thing that is the style of our story/writing. It is all Opinion, reason, explanation and reinstating your opinion. This writing lets you know all about the sugars and different candy's etc. I hope you enjoy it.

Do now - Writing.

 Hello fellow readers,

Today in Te Ao Whanui we are doing another do now but this one is about CARR stamps encourage students to make positive choices.

I disagree with that statement, it does not encourage students to make positive choices because. What if the kid is just having a bad day and they aren't doing the right work? Most teachers dont even use the CARR card stampers to stamp the cards in the first place. What if the teacher doesn't know about the CARR card situation, then they wont know about it and the kids wont get the stamps that they are after. One time I was doing my work and concentrating then next minute my teacher or student comes over with the CARR card stamper they dont even stamp my card. I do like working towards the rewards though. they help me with things at home and even at school. all of the rewards are worth it. I am pretty sure it is 10 full CARR cards then you get a 5 dollar gift voucher for the school cafe. Then we have if you have 20 full CARR cards then you either get a 10 dollar hub voucher or a 10 dollar cafe voucher.I forgot if I told you that I disagreed with that statement.

Friday, 2 July 2021

Persuassive writing. ( year 7-8 should be allowed to have there phones at school )

 Hello fellow readers,

Today in Te Ao Whanui we are doing another do now. 

I personally agree with that statement year 7-8 should be aloud there phones at school. Just in case of an emergency that happens with there parents, they should be able to contact them. When people are stressed out they can listen to music on there phone to calm down. If there was an earthquake then the parents can contact each other. You should always have your own phone with you need to contact, message and listen to music.

Not finished yet

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Persuasive writing ( Students should not wear school uniform )

 Hello fellow readers,

Today in persuasive writing we are talking about school uniforms and our opinions about them.

I personally disagree with that statement.Here are some reasons why.If we are going on school trip's how are we suppose to tell what school we are from. Also if we aren't showing respect. Respect is an amazing big word it is used for loads of different things. I know that even if we dont have a uniform so that we can actually show our true self but. Even though all of these things are put in place we have skirts, pants, shorts, long sleeved tops, short sleeved tops. When I first started tat the school that I am at right now. When I was a year seven, I wanted to wear long pants but because I was a girl I got told from my mum that most girls wear skirts. I know that I shouldn't say this on my blog but this is a rule on our mufti days. The three b's are Boob's But's and bellybutton's.  I forgot if I already said that I disagreed with that statement


Rock ( Music )

 Hello fellow readers,

Today in Music we are doing rock, rock is a type of music that is up-beat. Here is a song that I found that is rock. Livin on a prayer is a song by a guy named Bon Jovi. Here is the video if you would like to listen to the song. Here are all of the Music Genres that i have found on Google, Hip-Hop, Indie Rock, Country, Oldies, K-Pop, Jazz etc.

Livin on a prayer is my dads second favorite song. Livin on a prayer is a really Beatty song. I dont really know what to say here. All I really have to say is that my father really enjoys this song. Also that Bon Jovi has alot of different songs like. It's My Life, Livin on a prayer etc. Have an amazing day...

Friday, 25 June 2021

Persuasive writing. ( It is important that year 7-8 do Friday sport )

 Hello fellow readers.


I completely agree with that statement. It is really important to have a Friday sport at school. It is important because you can get some fitness into you and also just to have a little bit of fun on the last day of school. I play netball on a Friday's at school. It is really important to get some action into it. In netball I mostly play Center, Wing attack or wing defense. those are the main position that I play in netball. 

I also play Football and Hockey sometimes though not all of the times i think that I have only played soccer for this girls group that I go to on a Wednesday. The last time that I played hockey would have to be last year when I was in a hornby group. Every Saturday we would have a game in out black and yellow uniform. Just thought that I should let you know that year 7-8 always has an early lunch after period 3. It goes for half an hour.

I forgot if I had already told you that I completely agree with that statement earlier before.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021


 Hello fellow readers,

Today I actually finished a whole story about medicine it is pretty persuasive if you ask me here it is. Thanks for reading my blog and I hope you leave a helpful, positive and thoughtful comment down below...

Persuasive Writing. ( Ice Cream is better than Cake )

 Hello fellow readers,

Today In Te Ao Whanui We are doing another Persuasive writing. The title is Ice cream is better than cake.

I completley agree with that statement, Ice Cream is way more better than cake. I say that because It is cold, Sweet, On hot days you can have it to keep you cool. You can actually put it on a cone and have something crunchy with it. But with cake it can be a treat/reward or you can just have it for the hell of it. Mainly it is all cake cake cake. I barely have Ice cream or cake but if I had to change my decision I would carely decide Ice Cream. Cake's are nice and sweet but sometimes most of the cakes or even the muffins has alot of Sugar and stuff in it. It is the same with Ice Cream to much sugar it is really bad for you. But is it really good to have a treat once and a while. I dont know if I already told you that Ice Cream is way more better than cake.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Persuasive writing. ( Cats are better then dogs )

Hello fellow readers,

Today we are practicing on our Persuasive writing. Our title is cats are better that dogs.

( Cats Are Better Then Dogs )

I completely disagree with that sentence I think that dogs are definitely better because. They are more entertained. They snuggle and cuddle you. They are more loyal. They are so fluffy so cute. They dont get lost easily you can walk them wash them brush them. I know that that sounds like alot of dogs but actually it is worth it. Dogs are the best and I would know that because I own 2 dogs one named Buddy and one named Bella. Cats are bad because they ruin your furniture, they scratch you, they spill water everywhere. I would know because I have one cat and it makes a humongous mess. Even though when the dogs are puppies they chew things up but in the end result they are so nice cuddly and far much more. This is why you should think that dogs are better than cats.


Friday, 18 June 2021

Matariki 3

 Hello fellow readers,

Today we have a working from home day so I decided to do another Matariki blog post. We are doing a Matariki performance this week coming up either on Wednesday or of Thursday. This is how the program is going to go so first we sing he honore, Next we do ko te whirika. After that we do Waiti waiata. Lastly we do  e papa. Here is a Matariki picture.

Needs Vs Wants

 Hello fellow readers,

Today In Te Ao Whanui we are talking about our needs and our wants. Te Ao whanui is technically our researching and reading time. i made a google drawing about what are needs and what are wants. for example a house is a need and a PS5 is a want because you don't need a PS5 to survive. If you were to pick out of a House and the latest PS which one would you get? I know that I would pick a house but that is just in my opinion. Here is the google drawing that I was talking about earlier...

Now I am going to explain why these things are needs and why they are wants. Needs: Water is a need because you need to keep hydrated. if you don't if will have a bad result. Medication is in need because if you are really sick and you don't have any medication for it you could actually die.  You need clothing because you ' just want to run around naked because it wont be a good end result. You need food because when you starve you wont be able to survive for long. You need a house or any type of shelter because you could get really cold, it would not end good. Wants: You really don't need any electronics because you could just send letters and you wouldn't have to waste most or all of the money that you have. You don't need board games because you can have fun without them and you can keep yourself occupied. If you want a pet that means that you don't need it because it will just put to much pressure on you and you don't want that kind of pressure. Thanks guys and see you next time.

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Maths Week 6

 Hello fellow readers,

Today we are doing math's. Math's is a thing were you have =+-x. Me, Lacie and Valentina are doing a slide together. Here is our slide. It is not completely finished yet though.

Hope you guys enjoyed...

Te Ao Whanui

 Hello fellow readers,

Today we are reading a story called Designed for good. We have 5 questions that we have to answer. Here they are.

1. What was the problem that Craig Bond had?

Craig bond had the problem that his bike tire was flat.

2. Give 2 reasons why Craig and his class mates want to design a new trap?

Craig bond and his class mates want to design a new trap because they wanted it to be a big leap for conservation.

Also because it didn't kill fast enough and It misfired.

3. What was the requirements for the new trap designs?

The requirements are it to be lightweight, affordable and reliable.

4. Explain in your own words what a prototype is?

A prototype is a an early version that can be improved by doing something to it.

5. What is the message or theme of the story?

Bringing the awareness to the pest in New Zealand.

Friday, 4 June 2021

Create your own invention

 Hello fellow readers,

Today in class I am looking at trying to create a non flavor-less chewing gum. Here is my work and I hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Kiwi Innovators

  Hello fellow readers,

Today ( On Tuesday ) we were doing an kiwi Innovators task and it was around bungy jumping. I had to read this story called BuNgY JuMpInG. Did you know that Alan John bungy jumped off the Eiffel tower in Paris and got arrested immediately? Here is the link to watch the video...

Copy and paste it into a new tab please to watch the video. Bungy jumping is a rope that you jump of a platform and you fall down on a rope. You don't actually reach the floor but when you are at the end of the rope you bounce back. Here is my research and my invention. Thanks guys. Here is the slides with all of the things that I have done on it...

On Wednesday ( The day that I posted this ) we done one names Spreadable butter. Here is my slide for you to have a look at for all of them that I have done. Thanks guys have a great day... : ) thanks guys


Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Kiwi Innovators.

 Hello fellow readers,

Today we were doing an kiwi Innovators task and it was around bungy jumping. I had to read this story called BuNgY JuMpInG. Did you know that Alan John bungy jumped off the Eiffel tower in Paris and got arrested immediately? Here is the link to watch the video...

Copy and paste it into a new tab please to watch the video.

Bungy jumping is a rope that you jump of a platform and you fall down on a rope. You don't actually reach the floor but when you are at the end of the rope you bounce back. Here is my research and my invention. Thanks guys. My picture has a button instead of a clip on it just has a button... : )    

Thank you guys for looking at my work and have a great day...

Friday, 28 May 2021

Matariki Number 2

 Hello fellow Readers,

Today in Maori we have been searching around Matariki and that stuff.  Did you know that Matariki starts on the 24th on June it is on a Friday. Matariki has many different names around the world. Matariki is a star cluster not a constellation. 

Here is a picture of what the matariki star look like all together in a cluster.

Here is a song about matariki...

Thanks guys bye...


 Hello fellow readers,

for the past week in music we have been doing the 1970's. Last week we were doing the 1980's. This week we done a recording with one of the instrument's that we learnt. I played a song using a woodwind instrument that is called a recorder. On Wednesday we got told to make a poster around the information of a band or a solo artist but the band or solo artist had to be a new Zealander.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Reading for the day...

Hello fellow readers,

Today I read a new story today and I have new questions to answer on this blog that you are reading right now. If you don't already know that the story was called a new life for and old machine.

What does fisher & Paykel do to help the environment? Fisher & Paykel help with the environment by recycling as many things that they can and not letting good things go to waste. How do they do this? They do this by using machines to create different object's with the rubbish that they are recycling.

What does coal, oil and natural gas do to the environment. The gas is a really bad thing to the atmosphere and peoples surrounding's.

what does non-renewable mean. I think that non-renewable means that you cant use it again and that you have to actually let it go to waste.

The energy of moving things is called. It's called telekinesis. 

Explain in your OWN Words how to work a wind turbine works. they work by electricity.

Thanks for looking at my work and have a great day...

This splat is about what I learnt when I read the story.

Friday, 21 May 2021

String Instrement's

 Hello fellow readers,

This week in Music we are doing 1980's, Last week we done 1990's. For the 1980's we done some research on some movies from the 1980's, now since it is Friday we do the blog about what we did that week. Now we have to write what a string interments is, Parts of a Ukulele and how to play a string instrument. I hope you enjoy it.

A string instrument is a stringed instrument. How do you play a string instrument you can pluck, rub the instrument that has string's. What are the parts of a ukulele, Head stock, Turners, Nut, Frets, Neck, Fret board, Fret space, Sound hole, body, strings, saddle and Bridge. This week I learnt how to play a woodwind and a Ukulele.

Thursday, 20 May 2021


 Hello Fellow Readers,

Matariki is a Māori new year for all New Zealanders. There were 7 sisters in the cluster but now there are 9 sisters in the cluster of stars. You can see Matariki for yourself. The reappearance of the Matariki stars signals the beginning of the Māori new year. Matariki stars are not a constellation.

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Changing Lives: The Omeo Story.

 Hello fellow readers,

Today we are reading a story called Changing Lives: The Omeo Story. The Omeo is a chair kind of like a electric scooter but way more fun and you don't have to stand you can sit. 

is a vehicle that can move without having to move the
wheels with your hands. Also you have buttons on the vehicle and it is way easier than
having a wheelchair and
actually using your hand to move
the object. Wheelchairs make your arms sore and this new vehicle that is
called “ Omeo “ doesn't make your arms sore.

The 2 differences would be that the Omeo doesn't make your arms sore and that the
wheelchair does. Also that
the Omeo has a remote and the wheelchair’s don’t.

The most liberating thing about the Omeo is probably the movement and the actual
remote buttons.

Maybe we can invent wheel chairs on water and
that people that have disabilities can actually feel what it is like to be
n a water pool.

Friday, 14 May 2021


 Hello fellow readers,

Today we are foucasing on New Zealand Sign language week. We have a website to look at to find why they created and lots of other fun things with this sign language week. 

Did you know that sign language was invented in 1817.

Why was there a need for sign language do you reckon, there actually was a reason for sign language it was for all of the people who cant talk or people that are actually def.

The def community is a big thing it is all about things understanding different things and understanding people that can walk with sign language.

The city that Sign Language began in was Paris did you know that?


Tuesday, 11 May 2021

"Invention That I Cant Live Without"

 Hello Fellow Readers,

Today we done a 100 word challenge about an Invention that you cant live without. I Really love my phone like I can never let go of it. In my opinion I think that having your own phone is important and that having it on you all of the time, the main reason why I have a phone is to keep in contact with all of my loved ones, if I am Unsafe or uncomfortable in a situation then I would be able to contact my parent or contact somebody that works or lives close by... 

I hope you like it...

Have a great morning, afternoon, night or day...

Have you ever had an invention that make's your life so much easier? Mine is my phone, because it has lots of information on it and when something goes wrong you can easily message your parents and other family members if you are unsafe or unsure about something that happend. Also It is an easier way to keep in contact with people you haven't seen in a while. In school time if you are stressed out and having a bit of anxiety and depression etc you can just listen to music well you should be able to anyways. THE END

Monday, 10 May 2021

The Hero

 Hello fellow readers,

for the last couple of days me and my hurumanu group have been writing about our heros around a fake story or a real story. I just wrote a random story though. so here it is I hope you enjoy my juat a random story...

Have a good time reading this story called The Terrific Belief.

The Terrific Belief!

Cold and gloomy day there was a mist, with a little child crying. The little girl was crying because she lost her mum. A lady was trying to help her find her mum but she wouldn’t move…

Then I found out she was a mannequin with a voice box inside of her like it was the sound of a little girl crying. Next minute a clown comes out with a creepy face and it ends up being an old man. The old man just stood there staring at the lady, it was a struggle to not stop staring at him it was like he was trying to hypnotize me but it was also really irritating. 

The old man’s name was Zack and the lady's name was Alicia. Alicia was a 32-year old and the old man was an 82-year old. They were both just staring right into eachothers eyes and they couldn't stop. They were bugging each other.

But they  just couldn't stop. Zack was thinking in his head * Alicia is really pretty I want her I am going to take her *. But Alicia was thinking in her head * Ewww why and I am looking at this ugly rat, he is so disgusting *. Then Zack keeped on taking a step closer every time another tick went off the clock. Alicia was thinking at that time * EWWWWW stop coming closer and closer go away *. Every second Zack just gets closer and closer and closer. 

Alicia Thinking * I need to run away quickly * Zack thinking * I need to get her but I think that she is going to run away *. Both of them look at each other and then Alicia runs for her life and Zack follows her.  

“ It Is not a great look,  “ Alicia said.

Zack thinking * I need to run faster to keep up *.

They both run for their life...

Hi I hope you enjoyed my story I highlighted all of the capitail letters while most pf them at least and all of the full stops...